Browsing Archive: December, 2012

Oil Paintings Can Be Improved With Extended Glazing Techniques

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 1, 2012,
In principle, any oil painting which you are working on can have the technique of glazing applied to it, and the overall finish should benefit as you develop expertise in its use. Although it is frequently used as a method of changing the colour of one layer of oil paint by applying a second, transparent layer painted over it, its use can be developed further in other ways. Some of these ways are suggested below, together with some hints on how to proceed. In my article "How Painting In Oil I...
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Bottom Painting

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 1, 2012,
The aim of this article is to discuss bottom painting. Not henna tattoos on peoples bums, boat bums instead. There are at least nine different types of antifoul on the market. Discounting those that are used on larger vessels - oil tankers etc. This is about sailboat hull protection. We will look at the ingredients which are put in pots to stop algae and barnacles etc. Without getting all ecological on you, well - maybe a bit! As the global environment changes, so the range of animals and veg...
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